The best floating water mats for 2021 are a ton of fun while you are on the lake or the river. Sometimes called water islands, water platforms, water lounges, floating docks, patio docks, water pads, or lily pad floats, you can tie them up to your boat at the...
Lakesmart: A Lake-Friendly Living Program
What happens on your property affects the lake—whether you live along the lake or miles from it. New Hampshire’s LakeSmart Lake-Friendly Living Program helps ensure future generations inherit a lake with a healthy future. And the best part? The lake management practices that New Hampshire uses are applicable to nearly every lake in...
Why Hot Tubs and Lake Homes go Hand-in-hand
Hot tubs are the perfect addition to your lakefront home! They add a relaxing feature to your home to unwind after a long day. Who wouldn’t want to come home to a nice view and a soak in the tub? Today’s blog post is all about why you need...
What is a Boat Club Membership?
You may not feel completely ready to choose a boat even after shopping around… you might need to wait to pull the trigger because of economic factors, or maybe you just think easing your way into the boating lifestyle is a smart move—whatever the reason, boat clubs offer an...
Tips to Safely Tow Your Boat
Towing a boat can be very difficult, especially for beginners. Towing a boat on a trailer will change the way any vehicle handles so it is important to read up on tips before hauling your boat to the next family vacation…. Stay Within Your Limits: You must review the...
Can I Cut Trees Down Near the Lake Shore?
Most new homeowners seem to want to cut trees down between the house and the lake when they first buy a property. I STRONGLY urge you live with what you have for a full year first. I can’t count the number of homeowners that came back to me and...
Is the Algae in my Lake Harmful? Here’s How to Find out
There are a couple simple no-cost tests lake residents can do to determine if “green looking” algae is from toxic blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) blooms or non-toxic filamentous green algae. Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, are photosynthetic, organisms naturally found in water bodies. Blue-green algae can proliferate and ‘bloom’...
How to Read a Nautical Chart
Nautical charts are an important navigation tool, even for the lake you live on. A nautical chart helps you figure out which way to go, how deep the water is, and the location of harbors. You will also know about underwater obstructions that may not be visible and overhead...
What Does it Mean to Have Lake Access or Right-of-Way?
Have you purchased a lake home, or looking into buying one, that talks about having “lake access” or a “right-of-way” to the lake? If so, you need to be careful about exactly what rights are being conveyed and how. Although there are several, here’s one definition of deeded lake...
The Benefits of Hot Tubs With Lake Views!
A lakeside retreat can not only be a place to escape but a spot where you can bring family together. While a view of the water can be relaxing, there’s something to be said about enjoying family time from the seat of a hot tub. I mean what can...