“Is this property still available”? Believe it or not, we were never asked that question 5 years ago. Now it’s the most popular question we receive…how unfortunate!
The inaccurate data of syndicated websites like Zillow and Tulia have brainwashed the public into thinking that ALL real estate websites have outdated information and sold listing data. We understand how frustrating it is to get excited about a dream property only to find out is sold last year!
Did you know that over 50% of the homes coded as “lakefront” on the local state MLS’s are really not? Because all the syndicated websites pull directly from MLS, over half their listings are inaccurate.

At LakefrontLiving.com, we go to great lengths to make sure that does not happen! Here are just some of the differences:
Individual Property Screening
Every single property coded as “waterfront” from our state MLS systems gets individually screened by our state representatives every day! If they are truly lakefront (or lake access), they are coded as such, attached to the lake they are on, and ported over to LakefrontLiving.com. We are the ONLY lake property website to do this and why our site provides you with a one-stop-shop for direct lakefront properties ONLY.
Automatic Removal
Once a property is under agreement or sold, it is automatically is removed from the site. EVERY property on the site is available for purchase. In fact, we take an extra step for our visitors. Just because there is an offer on a property, doesn’t mean it will be sold. So we code those as “under agreement, still showing” so that a client can still put a back-up offer in. We found that 18% of these end up going to the back-up offer. No other site offers this level of detail for their clients.
Lake Data
Remember, you are not just buying a home, you are buying a lake! LakefrontLiving.com provides specific data on over 1600 lakes and ponds in all the states we currently cover. Recreation activities, water quality, size, depth, Association links, fish type,and regulations are just some of the important factors you will need to ensure this is the right lake for you.

At over 100,000 new visitors each month, LakefrontLiving.com has emerged as the place to go for lakefront property. You never have to ask us “Is this property still available”? It always is!
Posted by Scott Freerksen “The Lake Guy”