The Truth About Lakeside Septic Systems

You’ve just purchased your new lakeside home and it comes with a septic tank… but you have never dealt with one before. You’re in luck because today’s post is about to uncover the truth about lakeside septic systems! Septic Tank Repairs VS Septic Tank Maintenance: Why fix what’s not broken? Well it’s time to rethink […]

What Kind of ROI Can You Expect from Shoreline Work?

By – A shoreline maintenance company. Customers always ask: “Do you think we’ll get our money back from this investment in our shoreline – if and when we decide to sell someday?” That’s a great question. It’s common knowledge that most “landscaping” projects are a waste of money long-term. But lakefront properties are different. […]

Five Boat Products With Corny Names That Actually Work

March 11, 2015 By Gary Reich, Boat Trader, Water Blogged Ever buy a ShamWow only to find out that it didn’t have much “wow” factor? What about the Ginsu knife? And let’s not even get into Dump Dinners. Those wacky products and ideas you see advertised on late-night television are often disappointing. Well, the boating […]