Tips on Lake Side Zoning Regulations

Most lakes and ponds are considered “wetlands” and therefore fall under the Wetlands Protection Act. Each town has its own interpretation of this Law in their zoning regulations, therefore you (or your buyer’s agent) need to find out the particulars of the property you are considering purchasing. Here are some general guidelines (applicable to many states […]

Will My Dream Lakefront Home Require Flood Insurance?

About 15% of all lakefront properties will require flood insurance by the lender. This means that they have determined (through FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps) that the property sits in a flood zone. Flood insurance is not cheap and can cost anywhere from $500 per year to $5,000 per year. Here’s some facts about flood […]

Lakefront Location Considerations

As it relates to lakefront property, the popular real estate phrase “Location, Location, Location” was never more applicable. Once you find your dream LAKE, the location ON that lake can make or break your enjoyment. So here’s some things to consider about location: From house to neighboring house, the shoreline conditions can change dramatically, be […]

How to Choose the Perfect LAKE for Your Lakefront Lifestyle

Understand that you are not just buying a house, you are buying a LAKE! After all, it’s the lakefront lifestyle you wish to experience. Therefore, all the specific details of the lake become critically important to enjoy the lifestyle you desire. Ask yourself (and your family) the following questions. It will help you understand your […]

Opening Weekend Checklist for your Lakefront Cottage

It’s time to open the cottage…but there’s no reason it has to be all busywork and no beach. Sure, there are things that absolutely need to be looked after, but not everything is urgent. So to make sure you have time this weekend to relax on the deck, Corona in hand, we’ve compiled a simple […]

Why Choose a Lakefront Specialist When Selling your Lake Home?

Lakefront property is unique, your home is unique… and it takes a focused marketing approach to attract & educate the best buyers from a nation-wide audience. So why would you trust your most important investment to a generalist? Most Real Estate agents sell every type of property they can get their hands on…and there’s nothing wrong with that. But lakefront […]

What Does Flood Insurance Cover?

To understand what flood insurance covers, you need to know three things first: 1. Standard homeowners insurance doesn’t cover flood damage at all. It’ll cover some damage from rain, but if your home is filled with water as a result of rising bodies of lakes, rivers, streams, and oceans, it won’t cover you. 2. The most common […]

Waterfront Buying: Top 10 Tips From Agents

Before purchasing that dream home, master these tips from the experts. By Shannon Petrie, HGTV Design. From pre-approval to paying points, buying a home is always a complicated process. But throw “waterfront” in the mix, and things get even more complex. Fortunately, real estate agents who regularly deal with waterfront properties know the ins and […]

Agents Provide Top 10 Tips For Buying Lakefront Homes

From pre-approval to paying points, buying a home is always a complicated process. But throw “waterfront” in the mix, and things get even more complex. Fortunately, real estate agents who regularly deal with waterfront properties know the ins and outs of this process. These 10 tips from the pros will give you a heads-up on […]

What is a Lakefront Specialist?

Purchasing lakefront property is unlike any other real estate. You are not only buying a lake house, you are buying a lake and a lifestyle. There are dozens of questions that need to be answered specific to any lake and lakefront home you are considering (Ask us about our 37 critical questions when buying lakefront […]