Septic System Alternatives for Small Lakefront Lots

Many factors require homeowners to consider alternative septic systems for small lakefront lots. Coping with the limitations of a small leachfield on their property prompts them to seek alternative small lot septic systems to safely, effectively and affordably treat their wastewater. Today’s post is all about septic system alternatives so you are knowledgeable before buying […]

Lakesmart: A Lake-Friendly Living Program

What happens on your property affects the lake—whether you live along the lake or miles from it. New Hampshire’s LakeSmart Lake-Friendly Living Program helps ensure future generations inherit a lake with a healthy future. And the best part? The lake management practices that New Hampshire uses are applicable to nearly every lake in the country. LakeSmart is an education, […]

Are You Buying Your first Lakefront Home?

Are you ready to experience the lakefront lifestyle? Owning lakefront property is an experience that will change your life. It becomes a retreat to escape the hassles of daily living. The wildlife, recreation, and vacation feel of waterfront living will forever be a part of you. But did you know that buying lakefront property is […]