When purchasing lakefront property, it is important to understand the rights you have to use and access the shoreline. These rights can vary from lake to lake, town to town and state to state.
On some State-Owned lakes in New England, there is a section of property between the house and water body (usually 100 feet or more) that can be owned by the State. If there is a State Park located on the lake, this is usually the case. The State is managing and governing the conservation and preservation of the natural setting of the lake. It is especially important to determine the dock permit process, swimming restrictions, building restrictions, access limitations, etc. on these types of properties.
There will most likely be limitations on how you can access the lake, what can or can’t be built, alterations to the grounds, etc. Check with the local conservation commission to make sure you understand your full rights when considering any lakefront property purchase. We also recommend speaking to the neighbors of the property you are considering, they will be a great additional resource.
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