How To Build an Outdoor Shower

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If you decide to build an outdoor shower its easier than you think. An outdoor shower can complement a lakeside location or just be used as a way to rinse off so as not to track any dirt into the house after a day on the water. Plus, in the summer heat it can be fun to shower outside!

First you need to decide what type of shower you want. Must it be fully enclosed for privacy or can it simply be a shower head coming out from the wall? The latter is the easiest to install and with some decorative stone it can add some flair to your yard without taking up space.

Here’s a basic rundown of what you will need to build an outdoor shower.

Step 1: Mark Location, Install Plumbing
Determine the shower’s size and location on the rear or side of the house. Mark out the back wall of the shower on the side of the house using a measuring tape, pencil and level. Use a circular or reciprocating saw to remove the siding or shingles and expose the house’s interior walls. Hire a plumber to run hot and cold plumbing to the site.

Install showerhead and control and if you want you can be done right here. If you are seeking more privacy then keep reading.

Step 2: Build Privacy Screens
You can build privacy screens in a variety of ways. From a basic rollout bamboo screen that is supported by 2×4’s to a full cedar enclosure, the choice is yours. It all depends on your budget, skill level and time.

Step 3: Pour Concrete Pad
Plot out the dimensions of the concrete pad using stakes. Excavate the area to a depth of 8″. Use 1″ x 4″ boards to create forms to hold the wet concrete. Pour gravel to a depth of 4″ and tamp down to a level surface. Prepare pre-mixed concrete according to manufacturer’s instructions and pour it into the form. Work the concrete with a trowel until it is smooth and has the desired pitch. Let it cure for several hours.

Step 4: Enjoy the Shower
Add a towel rod for convenience and you can also setup an outdoor music station for added outdoor showering fun. It’s best to have a walkway already setup to the house so you don’t get your feed dirty after washing them and track dirt into the house.

Check out these great Outdoor shower ideas on Pinterest.

Re-posted by Scott Freerksen “The Lake Guy”

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