Buying Your New Lakefront Home – Top 10 Questions

Anytime you are preparing to view a lakefront property for sale, there are some basic questions that you should get answered each time. I encourage you to print out this list and take it with you. Also, don’t forget your flashlight!

The Top 10 Questions to Ask When Viewing Lakefront Property

  1. Is the property serviced by an on-site Septic System? If so, has the system passed Title 5 within the past 2 years? Can you provide me with a copy of the report?
  2. If the property is serviced by town sewer, is there a betterment still to be paid? What is the yearly cost of town sewer?
  3. Does the property require flood insurance? If so, can I get a copy of the current policy?
  4. Are there any easements associated with the property? Can you provide a current copy of the deed?
  5. Can you tell me the conditions of the shoreline in the summer? Weed count, type?
  6. Are there any known defects in or around the property that I should know about? Have the current homeowners completed any upgrades? Was the work permitted? Request copies from town departments.
  7. Has the property been appraised recently? If so, when? Can you share how you arrived at the asking price?
  8. Does the lake have an active Lake Association? If so, can you provide contact information to me?
  9. How is the lake water level controlled? Is the water quality tested annually?
  10. What recreational activities are allowed / not allowed on the lake?

Posted by:

Scott Freerksen “The Lake Guy”
Owner/Broker, Realtor®
Lakefront Living Realty, LLC
Office: (508) 377-7167

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