How to Own a Vacation Home With Friends

Here are a few things to keep in mind so your dream vacation home doesn’t turn into a nightmare. by Vera Gibbons, Zillow Blog. If you’re in the market for a vacation home but are looking to minimize costs as real estate prices rise and you face a stagnant paycheck, you might be considering going in […]

Therapeutic Benefits of Lake Side Hot Tubs

Lake side hot tubs offer a relaxing, warm-water environment that combines buoyancy and massaging jets, making them a practical and well-used tool for many types of therapy. 1. Better sleep. According to the National Institute of Health, more than 70 million Americans suffer from mild to chronic insomnia and other sleep disorders. A recent study […]

10 Ways to Keep Lakes Clean

A clean lake is a happy lake. Here are some simple tips to consider to ensure your lake can be enjoyed by future generations. Posted September 25, 2009 by Freshwater Society If you live on a lake, stream or wetland, plant a buffer strip of native plants along the water. If you have a lawn, […]

Could You Live in a Tiny Lake House?

10 things to consider if you’re thinking of downsizing — way down…by Laura Gaskill, While still a bit of an oddity, there is no doubt that the tiny house is becoming increasingly popular. Whether you crave more financial freedom, wish to reduce your impact on the environment or want to live a simpler life, […]

Preparing Your Docks For Winter

by Charles Simola, TechniDock, Inc. Floating docks typically go in the water each spring, and come out of the water each autumn. When temperatures in an area drop below freezing, ice forms on lakes, rivers and other bodies of water. Ice can damage floating docks, so it makes sense to remove the docks before the brutally […]

Calculate the Market Value of any Lakefront Home

Tired of inaccurate valuations for lakefront homes? There’s an intrinsic value on lakefront property that’s been difficult to put a price on because there are so many tangible and intangible variables. Some popular websites provide Automated Valuation Models – or “AVMs” – that can be a valuable tool for buyers & sellers…but they are notoriously inaccurate for certain types […]

Great Ideas About Kids and Fishing

Courtesy of Freshwater fishing can be done in many ways – from shore or a boat, from a bridge or dock, in lakes and ponds, and rivers and streams. There are a variety of freshwater fishing techniques, in addition to gear, baits and lures, depending on the type of fish you’re after. Involve your […]