Generator Options for Your Lakeside Home

Whether or not you are at your lakeside home full time, it’s best to prepare for unexpected electrical outages with an emergency gas-powered backup generator. By A power outage that lasts a few hours is often nothing more than an inconvenience, requiring some flashlights and a little patience. But when a major storm knocks […]

How to Prepare Your Lakefront Home for a Showing

You never get a second chance to make a good first impression! Use these tips to make your lakefront home showings the best they can be… Shoreline: Rake the beach /shoreline to remove any debris and weeds. Be sure your dock is secure and stable. “Stage” the lakefront area so the buyers can see what […]

Preparing Your Docks For Winter

by Charles Simola, TechniDock, Inc. Floating docks typically go in the water each spring, and come out of the water each autumn. When temperatures in an area drop below freezing, ice forms on lakes, rivers and other bodies of water. Ice can damage floating docks, so it makes sense to remove the docks before the brutally […]

How To Prepare Your Lake House For Sale – 10 Steps

Remember, you are not just selling a home, you are selling a lake. A buyer can change the structure around, but they can’t change the location. So focus your efforts on the buyer’s priorities…the lake, shoreline and lifestyle. There’s no shortage of articles on how to prepare a generic home for sale, but there are […]