Tips for Beautiful Autumn Reflections

Autumn is a beautiful season that’s loved by photographers everywhere. Or at least by those who happen to live in areas of the world where the changing leaves create spectacular photo opportunities! By CHRISTINA HARMAN. If you happen to live in, or are traveling to one of those scenic areas,...

The Pros And Cons Of Buying A Floating Home

Floating Homes: The New Trend in Homeownership? These days, with tiny homes all the rage across the country, more and more people are opening up to the possibility of alternative living conditions, including buying a floating home. Remember, a floating home is not necessarily a houseboat, even though these terms may...

Buying Guide For Tow Ropes

You might think that buying a tow rope for wakeboarding, water skiing, kneeboarding, or tubing is as simple as finding the length you want and hooking it up. The reality is that it is not that simple, and if you’re going to be active in any one of, or...

Add an Outdoor Shower to your Lake Property

There’s something nostalgic about showering in the great outdoors, something that brings back memories of summers past. Beach trips, summer camp, rustic cabins at the lake and family camping outings are all experiences that evoke a similar wistful longing for seasons gone by.  – by Katherine Fulghum Knopf, Small Home Magazine...